RFID lock connected to internet

Make your own lock !

This website explains how to make an electronic lock connected to an authentication web server. The source codes are provided and with all the necessary explanations. You will easily find the required material on online stores.

How does it work

Weblock lock operates with a RFID reading system. Users put their own badge on the antenna of the reader. The lock sends the identifier of the key to a web server, and opens the door following the response. The access rights of users are managed in a database that can be administered through a web interface.



This project was carried out with an Arduino Ethernet, but it can be reproduced with an Arduino Uno and an Ethernet Shield without making any changes to the source code.

Arduino products were chosen because they provide an excellent platform for beginners in the field.

Do it yourself !

You will find on this site all the explanations and sources code to replicate this project at home.